Want to learn more about Loudoun Classical School?


At LCS, the gospel of Jesus Christ is central. Education that is distinctly Christian begins with the conviction that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10). Learn More.


The classical liberal arts are the time-honored arts of freedom, including both the trivium (arts of language) and the quadrivium (arts of number) that prepare young men and women to be lifetime learners in every discipline. Classical education is concerned with virtue formation and the training of the whole man—mind, soul, and heart—to fit him for his place in his culture and society.  Learn More.


LCS students attend classes in downtown Purcellville for three Campus Days (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday), and complete assigned reading and homework at home on two Reading Days Tuesday and Friday). 


LCS offers a full 6th-12th grade curriculum, including English Studies, Math, Science, Latin, Theology, and our centerpiece Arts & Letters, which follows a four year Great Books approach to history, literature, and philosophy.


Our particular concern is to provide Christian families an affordable option to receive a vigorous and time-tested classical education through the junior high and high school years.

Loudoun Classical School is a member of the Society for Classical Learning.