

Offering K-1st and 6th-12th in Western Loudoun County


Ready to learn what LCS has to offer?

We partner with parents and the church to reinforce faith and character.



Lifelong Learning


We immerse students in enduring ideas and disciplines that create competence now and for a lifetime.



We honor each student as a vibrant, whole person who bears the image of God.





  • "We’re big fans of Loudoun Classical School and have two children enrolled. ... The faculty and staff intentionally point students to the true, good, and beautiful in all subjects and disciplines."

    Jeff and Amy Greene

  • "We’re very pleased with the biblically based, well-rounded, and affordable education that our kids receive at LCS."

    Jeff and Amy Greene

  • "Loudoun Classical School has been a beautiful place of learning and spiritual growth for our daughter. They truly live up to their motto and teach students to order their loves -- to love God first, then to love others and finally to love learning."

    Doug and Monica Gill

  • "The classical education [our daughter] has received has taught her to think well, to ask good questions and to always seek and delight in the true and the beautiful."

    Doug and Monica Gill

  • "From the first year our daughter attended LCS, we have seen so much educational growth, joy, and love for the Lord and the world that He created."

    Adam and Natasha Handwork

  • "Our daughter is thriving at LCS. We have no doubt that she will be well prepared for college and for her life beyond."

    Adam and Natasha Handwork

  • "This is our fourth school year with LCS and we now have two students attending. ... Our daughters actually look forward to school each day (don't tell them I said that!)."

    Brittany Williams

  • "We really couldn't ask for more from the teachers and faculty of LCS for all that our daughters have achieved academically, socially and spiritually."

    Brittany Williams

  • "My husband and I are eternally grateful for finding LCS and our entire family has been blessed being a part of such a wonderful community."

    Brittany Williams

  • "A thriving America requires people of faith who understand and appreciate civics, literature, and western civilization. My kids are blessed to learn these topics from the good folks at LCS."

    Erin D.

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Connect with Us

(703) 915-3071


PO Box 2060
Purcellville, VA 20134